Students seeking admission to this College should be very regular in attendance at classes. For all the students, the promotion to next higher class will depend on a very regular class attendance for theory and practical separately in each subject and securing qualifying marks at all the examinations held during the year. Similarly in case of re-admission, any student who has failed to attend the classes regularly, his case will not be considered for re-admission. All the guardians are requested to be careful about their wards in connection with attendance, promotion etc.
Any newly-admitted student found remaining absent for three consecutive working days w.e.f. the date of commencement of classes without the permission of the Principal will forfeit his seat.
A student to be sent-up for the University Examination must have attended the classes regularly (theoretical & practical classes taken separately in each subject) and secured qualifying marks in all the examinations held during the year.
A student failing to attend the classes regularly will be treated as non-collegiate and subsequently may not be allowed to appear in the Examination.