Sri Sri Ramkrishna Birth-ceremony Procession


Every year the most glorious ceremony of the institution is celebrated on the eve of birth anniversary of Sri Sri Thakur Ramakrishna. This pious tithi brings in the tide of immense joy and festive mood across all the branches and sub branches of the Ramakrishna math and Ramakrishna mission. A grand procession is the essential part of the celebration of the Ramakrishna Mission, Rahara. All the members of the institution joyously participate in the ovation of the great ideal-Sri Sri Thakur. With an eye to rejoice the birth anniversary of Thakur and to propagate the Ramakrishna consciousness (movement), this procession is unique in its approach.

Everyone assemble in the Mission premises very early that day. The grand arrangement for the procession and puja is neatly procured. This great assemblage of people starts its journey from the Mission campus. The procession is divisible into distinct sections and each section expresses its features very nicely. The chariots of the holy trio driven by white horses take the lead, followed by the carol troop and musical band. The gorgeous decorations of the leading vehicles add to the flavour of the celebration. The enchanting of devotional songs continues during the whole journey. Behind the carol troops, the students walk raising colourful flags and placards with the holy emblem of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission inscribed on them. Many bands and ranapa performers enhance the magnificence of the procession. The entire procession remains flooded with the portraits and sayings of the Holy Trio. The carol songs seem to have an appealing spell on the passers by. The people stand still with astonishment and pleasure to see the triumph of Sri Sri Thakur. They gather on both sides of the road and stagger just to have a single sight of this gleeful carnival. Only one name prevails everywhere - Sri Ramakrishna. It appears as if the holy presence of Sri Sri Thakur is enlightening the entire atmosphere. The heavenly touch of divine love and brotherly bonding amongst the participants guide the cavalcade exquisitely. The convoy circumambulates the streets of Khardah, Rahara and return to the Mission campus again. Students are offered tiffin and toffees as a part of this rejoicing celebration.